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all active and passive effects are being removed when equipping spells and raising hands


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i have been trying to start a new character after recently updating a couple mods (that seem like they shouldn't be related) and have run into the issue that both passive and active effects are being removed when trying to use spells. specifically, the effects are removed when i equip a spell and then raise my hands to use the spell. some effects are also not consistently applied at game start like they should be, from observation of various characters i made in my brief testing. effects being removed also occurs on existing saves.

casting spells does not appear on their own to be an issue, since buff spells like flesh armors do successfully apply when cast.

there is no obvious candidate to me for what could be causing the issue so i figured i'd ask for help instead. i did try a few candidates from recently updated or installed stuff but nothing seemed to change with anything that seemed like it would do anything related to using spells.

modlist https://pastebin.com/fnVvQstZ

edit: having considered my most recent existing save from before this problem, the issue must in some way logically stem from something in this list, since that's what changed:


Edited by bunkachou
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i rolled back skyrim unbound and skyvalor to their previous versions and that appears to have fixed the issue. it was probably skyvalor given how much that mod messes with character values. topic can probably be locked or removed or whatever.

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