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Mod idea: Autolocking feature in basic combat, off vehicles.


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An idea I had brewing about basically making every aspect of combat a tad easier by giving you the autolock feature and reticle on every weapon that isn't a SMART weapon, even if you're on foot.

You still have to manually aim, but if you're running super accuracy/no recoil/no sway and no pellet spread mods like I am you no longer have to hit your target dead center in the middle dot of the reticle.

Basically an way to give your reticle an "wide berth" without feeling too utterly broken.

Ironically this may be one of my requests that ISN'T overpowered / broken.

idea came to me on this video, at timestamp 10:00

So personal thanks to AbraHamSandwich for the inspiration of this request.


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