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Skyrim AE: Sworn to Carry your Burdens


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Backstory, new dialog, maybe even questlines for each of the Housecarls to explore them, their personality, and maybe provide closure to something in their past or not, can be simple or complex. 

We know next to nothing about our Housecarls.

Why is Lydia so dejected and suicidal? Why does that suddenly change when you marry her and even more when you adopt?

How did Rayya, and Redguard from Hammerfel, become a housecarl? 

Valdimar is the only Housecarl to use magic.

I focus on some of the oddities of the housecarls, but I think each deserves their own story that we can explore to learn what makes each tick. If along the way that strengthens the bond between the Dragonborn and them, for the better.

Additional ideas, thoughts, welcome.



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