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XML Help please


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I'm wanting to remove the entire Biomes section of biomes.xml

Inside of biomes.xml, I typed:

<remove xpath="/biomes/biomes"/>


<append xpath="/biomes">

        <biomemap id="01" name="snow"/>
etc, etc, etc


I am making a lot of changes to biomes, like restricting potassium only to snow, coal only burnt forest, cites,towns,vehicles only to wasteland. I don't want to add a million append or set commands. Just remove all of biomes.xml/biomes and append the entire section biomes section with all of my changes.


Thanks in advance!

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As someone who procrastinates large projects, this seems like something i would definately procrastinate and never do. That said, in this instance, i would backup biomes.xml to biomes.xml.bak, then edit the file drectly and call it good rather than make such a large project a mod... i did something similar to blocks.xml, to remove upgrading blocks and their harvest outputs...

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