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CTD when entering any process such as Loading new area, Time accelerate, entering home etc.


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The CTD happens when entering any process such as Loading new area, Time accelerate, entering home and even making a new save  that's so far what I have experienced.

I'm using Crashlogger to find out what causing the crash but I still don't get it even after reading the tutorial of how to read crashlog, I also looked in the internet and I can't find any similar error code.

the log says this

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP" at 0x7FFC400005BC.

also I tried updating my Logger and I think the new version are giving a different report from the older version, please help me guys :(.
I just got back from Skyrim hiatus and this happened.... I don't know why, as far as I can remember, there was no problem before hiatus, and I'm sure there is no update or anything that messed up with the version compatibility.

Sorry if made mistake in this message, my first time here :).


crash-2025-01-23-18-41-56.log crash-2025-01-23-18-26-58.log

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There are different things i think could be the problem.

1. Which version of LUX you are using?Maybe reinstall.

2.When you are using modorganizer2 you should create in your antivirus a exception for your whole game/MO2 directory.

3. Check your windows installation (i have seen Hyper-V is activated) and graphic driver settings and go through the settingsdepending on your setup. Deactivate nvcamera if you are not using it. This was the problem for me last time the graphic driver was getting a update.

4. Check your netscript framework version and eventually update. If possible install also Net V8. I have found some mods who are now depending on this in the last weeks/months but the version is mostly not stated in the description.

5. Also reeinstall VCredist both the x86 and the x64 version. 

Thats it from my side because i use the last gameversion from steam with vortex.

PS: When you are using male character try to go away from SOS and change to TNG could also be a possible solution.

PS:PS: You should not use/deactivate quicksave and autosave. They are prone to fail often.

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To 3. from your newest crash log 

Detected Virtual Machine: Microsoft Hyper-V (100%) under SYSTEM SPECS:

NvCamera64.dll under MODULES:

C:\Users\Riza\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave2_77ED4E88_0_72797575646172_Tamriel_040035_20250123184156_70_1.skse is your save what you have loaded. Try to make a normal save because as i was writing before - Quick and Autosave creates problems. 

You can download Fallrim tools for cleaning save files from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031?tab=files (i use .636). Start resaver and clean if necessary (you get a window comming up if you have problems in your savefile). Go then to "Clean" and press for exempel "Remove unattached instances" when you see this failure in the windows on the right side. A small tip - also use, after you have cleaned away everything, "Reset Havok". You can also use every point under "Clean". Then close Resaver. When Resaver asks if you are sure press yes because the tool is making a safety copy from the original save what you can then start from the main menu skyrim under load/charakter.

NV (Nvidia) camera can you deactivate normaly in you graphic driver settings. The easier way to deactivate NVcamera is to go to "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\" and search for NvCameraEnable.exe, open a terminal as Administrator (write cmd in search bar-> Command prompt-> Run as Administrator-> copy/write the path of the folder it was in followed by "NvCameraEnable.exe off".

Hyper-V (if you don't need it) you can deactivate in your Windows system settings. Write Hyper-V in your search bar and then it should come up "Turn windows features on or off". Turn off Virtual machine plattform and also Hyper visor.

Here a link you can safely follow the steps to optimize your Windows 11. https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-optimize-windows-11-for-gaming/

To deactivate Auto/quicksave you have to go in the Skyrim ini files. To make it easier to change the parameters it is better to use BethiniPIE. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/631

You can find a lot of tips how to work with it depending on your computer setup around the web and first and foremost  here https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings .

You find also a lot of other ini related information on the forum side from BethiniPIE.

Thats all from my side.

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To weith68

I tried everything you told me and still not working, also I turned the virtual machine off it still shows in the latest log i dont understand why
it seems loading what ever save is fine but when it tries to make a new save it immediately crash.(maybe) even after i turned of the autosave

cleaning the save didnt work either

here is the latest log

Edit: I turned off "virtual machines" and one other things that according to copilot is an virtual machine, but I couldn't  find "Hyper V"

i just find out that my windows doesnt have hyper V because its not compatible, why is skyrim detecting it then?


Edited by dragonknight909
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