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CTD when entering any process such as Loading new area, Time accelerate, entering home etc.


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As i was saying before - don't use Autosave for fail search (or anything else by the way). That's from your latest log -"C:\Users\Riza\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave1_77ED4E88_0_72797575646172_Tamriel_032353_20250124151635_70_1.skse"

!!! Deactivate it !!!

1. Load your game -> open In game menu -> press Save. Quitt game to desktop. Use Resaver to test your Save. Clean all failures if some occurs. Do a Reset Havoc. Quitt Resaver. Switch off Autosave (manual in ini or with BethiniPie). Load your game with the cleaned Save. Run around, eventually go in a Inn when you have some around. Save your game. Go out again and try Fasttravel. Without a Inn do a save and try Fasttravel. 

2. The latest parts of your crash log is naming Tera Elin racecontroller dll. Try to deactivat everything Tera Elin. Start a new game with a standard race and try if the problem still occurs. If not then you have to find a save in your normal play through where you still can fast travel. Do then like i was writing under point 1. 

Thats from my laptop with deactivated Hyper-V. 

Skyrim SSE v1.6.1170
CrashLoggerSSE v1-15-0-0 Oct 12 2024 11:33:37

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF65350D84C SkyrimSE.exe+02DD84C    jmp [rax+0xE8]
Exception Flags: 0x00000000
Number of Parameters: 2
Access Violation: Tried to read memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.26100
    CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics         
    GPU #1: Nvidia GA106M [GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q]
    GPU #2: AMD Cezanne [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series]
    GPU #3: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    PHYSICAL MEMORY: 13.52 GB/31.40 GB
    GPU MEMORY: 4.54/5.11 GB


Have you restarted your windows after deactivating Hyper-V?

PS: You are naming Copilot. Have you by chance also activated Onedrive? If so deactivate it. There was a thread before here on the forum not long ago where deactivation of it caused all crashes to disappear. I think he was also using MO2 if i remember correctly.


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Her are some links for optimize your windows/hardware.

Base for gaming

https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/tech-takes/how-to-optimize-pc-for-gaming from/for HP but a good starting point for configuration.

Base Nvidia Control panel settings for Skyrim

https://www.nolvus.net/guide/lite/setup scroll down to Graphic driver setup

https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-nvdia-control-panel-settings/#dt-heading-best-nvidia-control-panel-settings-for-gaming-and-performance more in depth with some clarifications of the settings

Base Bethini use

I think one of the best introduction to Bethini/PIE that concentrates not only on Skyrim settings but also gives a nice over view.

This one is also very good 


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okay sorry I just realized that, I missed understood your words. 
also I found out that the game actually crashed when ever the game start making a new save like entering in, fast travel it will automatically  make a  quick save.
1. now I already used the non quick save game as you said,  it still the same even after the cleaning stuff with resaver as I said when ever i tried making new save the game crashed immediatelym and this time with this non quicksave file it some how not making a Log file. 

2. I turned off elin and also start a new game... while im going through  the first cutscene of the game, the game crashed on its own (I assumed it kinda save automatically? even thou i tunred it of?) 
here is the new Log from the new game. and it still not working with 😞

i stll don know how to get rid of the hyperv


Edited by dragonknight909
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okay so, I tried uninstalling the onedrive, not taking any effects, also I realized the crash log only generate in crash caused by Auto saving, when I tried making save manually the crash log didnt generate.
so heres the new crash log caused by autosave from a non autosave savedata


Edited by dragonknight909
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What i don't understand is that your crash shouldn't appear when you have changed/deactivated everything i was writing before. At least you should get a crash log every time. 

Are you sure that every mod you use can be used on your gameversion? Backported support is a very good mod but nobody can guarantee that it's working with all mods.

What messages/failures is LOOT giving you?

Have you checked that Skyrim is working without any mod's and, if it does to enable mod's starting with skse and enginefixes? By the way, have you something changed in enginefixes.toml?

The last thing is to try to verify your game against Steam but it could be that then Steam try's to update your game. 

Otherwise i am on the end of my knowledge. A last advice i have is to update your game to the latest version but that is a thing you have to decide. 

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well actually I tried another couple of things, and also i used the Crashlog reader tool and I find a few mods that may cause the crash so i turn it off too,
Loot doesn't give me any error tho, gameversion...? you see this game run perfectly fine before I went hiatus, no update  no anything I just left it out. this is why  lm  really kinda stress because I dont remember  what happened the last time I played... as far as I can remember there was no problem at all. 🙂 
well Thank you man for your help! very appreciate it!

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