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Level 97 and out of nowhere I am getting CTD no matter where I go or what I do


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Hi friends,

In November 2024 I started a new modded playthrough and have put in many hours with my now level 97 character. Yesterday when I got to the Misty Grove as part of the 'A Night To Remember' quest, I could not complete the quest as my game would CTD as I was making my way through the area. I thought there must be some conflict with that particular area, so I backtracked a few saves and figured I would come back to it later. 

Unfortunately though, after making my way to Windhelm my game is now crashing in either the White Phial or in Windhelm shortly after leaving the White Phial.

I am worried something is wrong with my save file. I installed the autosave mod 'My Minimalistic Autosave Mod' early on and have over 3,000 autosave and regular save files in the game's Documents folder. Otherwise my game has not updated in Steam nor have any of my mods received updates. An ENB update is available but I have been ignoring it, figuring everything was working smoothly so far.

Here is my Crash Logger pastebin: https://pastebin.com/7sNNXkUq

Screenshot of mod list is attached (sorry, can't find an easy way to copy-paste the list). 

Any help is GREATLY appreciated! 


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