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Fo4 Won't Launch Fullscreen (FIX)


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I ran into an issue where I could launch Fullscreen through Steam's Fo4 launcher, but F4SE launching the game through mod organizer 2 wouldn't do full screen, rather it occupied only the top corner. The problem cannot be fixed by modifying the pref.ini screen settings in this exact scenerio, despite working for others.

FIX:  Open Mod Organizer, locate the top widgets, find the gray and red puzzle pieces next to the screw driver and wrench widget.  Click it, then open the .ini editor... click the fallout4prefs.ini tab, scroll down to screen options and edit as you desire. I personally used:




bFull Screen=1

iSize H=1440

iSize W=2560

Hit Save and launch! 

Fo4 Fullscreen.png

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It's worth noting that launching fo4 through steam and modifying the resolution in settings will overwrite any game directory pref.ini changes you made, It may it also effects Mod Organizer's pref.ini settings. If this occurs, you must repeat the fix. Also, game directory pref.ini settings are separate from Mod organizer's pref.ini edits, always edit through MO.

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