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SSE-Sanguine's Rose Choker/Necklace [and maybe Saviour's Boots]


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Greetings. I've always wished that the Daedric items made a full set of armor+Ring and Amulet, so I had this idea and wanted to share in hopes that someone would be willing to make it, thus bringing my dream one step closer to reality.

The idea is that the Daedric Staff known as Sanguine's Rose gets replaced by a Rose Choker that grants a Lesser power that summons a leveled Dremora [or Dremora Lord] until killed or dispelled via using the lesser power again. [or two minutes have passed.] 

The Model for the Choker could be the Rose on the Staff with green stem tied around the throat, or the choker from the DX Crimson Blood armorset if you can get the OK and don't want/are unable to make the rose choker .

Also, Since I'm here asking anyway, Maybe make it so the Saviors Hide could be crafted into Boots or Gloves [Forsworn, Ancient Nord, Leather, Wolf, or maybe Vampire boot textures if you don't want to make something new, like wolf claw boots/gauntlets]

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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