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1h weapons using 2h animations in 1st person (help!)


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I use this collection for animation replacers, and they work like a charm! However, at some point, all my 1h weapons started using 2h weapon animations when in 1st person. I've tried reinstalling the animation collection, I've tried removing them all and playing with no animation mods, I've tried starting a new game... same issue. Not only are 1h using the wrong 1st person animations, but there's no sound for drawing/sheathing 1h weapons in 1st person anymore either.

Any ideas? I read that I can use the OAR GUI to prioritize certain animations, but I'm not sure where to start with that. Any help would be appreciated. 

Small edit: Would it be possible, or even advisable, to simply use a 1st person animation mod like this one? Or would the game still try to use 2h animations from the mod like it does with vanilla. 

Edited by PATTON122145
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