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Question - esm files

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Hey there. I have a question and am interested in what people might know about the subject. My question is about .esm mods. I am mostly concerned about the difference between 2 scenarios

Scenario 1 - The file is an .esp file extension but with the esm flag ticked in xEdit
Scenario 2 - The file has an .esm file extension and has the .esm flag ticked in xEdit

My question about this is: Are these functionally the same? Is there an advantage of one over the other? I am already aware of the major differences when the .esm flag is ticked, mainly about persistent objects. But I am wondering if the .esm file extension makes a difference? Is there a difference in stability?


The obvious choice seems to be to make the file a full .esm with .esm flag. But in my scenario, I would rather keep my .esp extension with .esm flag, as it would make things far less complicated.


I appreciate any insight anyone has into this

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