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Hogwarts Legacy

Update seems to have broken a lot of mods (surprising, I know).


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I just thought I'd drop this here for those of us wondering why some of the mods are not working after today's update. Also, why the game crashes the moment it starts compiling shaders.

*Known Issue: PC Game Client
  • Due to changes to both data serialization and upgrades to our Raytracing features in the Hogwarts Legacy engine, level code changes were made that will break all 3rd Party MODs that use skeletal mesh assets made before the upcoming MODs patch.
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Pretty annoyed tbh. My game is bricked mid playthough and it Just seems like we will only be getting the "approved" normie mods "turn your skin green" millennial humor and reskins. I was fine with the way you normally mod this game so I dunno we will see what actually happens. 

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