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College of winter hold finale quest


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I have been thinking about a quest to finalize the college completely. I hypothesize that the dragon born has absorbed dangerous quantities of Magicka. Tolfdir gives your the robes etc you thank him but tell him you don't feel great so you're going to rest. During your slumber you have a vision of Kyne in high Hrothgar library (obviously I will have to Mod author to get permission to use the room). She congratulates you on your noble feat but you have absorbed too much Magicka and you are dying. The solution? Go you Kyne, or expel the energy. In a way that will save you and Skyrim. I propose that the solution is to have the you rebuild Winterhold. I have always use the great city of Winterhold except I would like to repair any remaining building. In addition I would like to add a shipping and fishing port. Finally when you're done you erect a magical rainbow that acts as a promise that the great collapse will never again.  I may be reaching but I would also like to have the jarl pledge his allegiance with the dragonborn and the Imperials. AND is this mod possible to play on Xbox on

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