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Dust missing sky at night


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Today for whatever reason, after installing a couple mods fastervats and durability. The night from dust is missing in my game.  I can see it when i wait it turns purple,  then the wait ends and it flashes to normal removing the purple type of sky from dust.  This seems to be happening so far I only noticed in goodsprings.  Could be other places but I cant figure out whats causing it or why even on a fresh install.

I tried a fresh install and deleted all saves and the prefs everything but no luck here is my list:

(Sorted using loot)

Vanilla game + DLC

BSA decompressor / 4gb patch

Ultimate edition esm fixes

JIP / johnny guitar / showoff

nvtf / one tweak / console paste support

YUP / unofficial NVSE Plus / 


NVMIM / Mac-Ten / ITEM / Weapon mesh improvement / 




The sky still turns normal for me its mind boggling how i deleted everything and they are still missing.  Is it windows I have no idea.  I tried the above way and with the below additional files and the problem of the sky missing at night still exists.  What could be modifying the sky?

dust tweaks / dusted dust/ dust expansion / additional fixes and the problem remains.



Any help would be appreciated the game feels dead at night now due to the dust being missing and the sky not being there.

















Edited by Gaiden16
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