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CBBE Body Slide Texture Issues For Skyrim SSE

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Hey there guys, I have an issue with CBBE and i was hoping to get some help.
I had this issue years ago, before the AE update, CBBE's textures just werent aligned and i couldnt figure out or find a fix for it so i gave up and just used BHUNP cause that seemed to have worked.
But AE happened and my save got corrupted and i uninstalled all my mods recently and reinstalled most but not the BHUNP, as well as swapped any BHUNP stuff to CBBE because there were some i liked that i couldnt use before.
Only issue is, i still have the same texture issues.

I dont know if posting censored images are allowed in the forums, idk how to work imgur, so the best i can do is give a description of what it looks like.
The nips are up and off of where they should be, there's some texture stretching/deformation under the actual breasts, and on the hips the textures look like they were stretched and are broken. Everywhere else is fine.

I do have a censored ss that i can post *if* its allowed. But yeh.

Please help me
- Kind regards, a mans that wants to use CBBE instead of BHUNP

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From your reported issues, it seems that you likely have mismatched the body and body textures.  Did you rebuild your default body as a CBBE variant in bodyslide, then check your other mods and d/l NPCs to make sure that you have the CBBE versions of them?  If you want the physics the CBBE3BA (aka Body Amazing) is the one you probably want, but it needs CBPC or Faster SMP-HDT (or a combination of both).

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14 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

From your reported issues, it seems that you likely have mismatched the body and body textures.  Did you rebuild your default body as a CBBE variant in bodyslide, then check your other mods and d/l NPCs to make sure that you have the CBBE versions of them?  If you want the physics the CBBE3BA (aka Body Amazing) is the one you probably want, but it needs CBPC or Faster SMP-HDT (or a combination of both).

I have the CBBE version of everything, I haven't rebuilt the body from the previous time I played a couple years ago as the textures being messed up.

To my knowledge, I shouldn't have any BHUNP textures, as I hadn't reinstalled any BHUNP mods, I do have Faster SMP-HDT.

Even with the textures being off/broken, should I build the CBBE body? It appears the NPC CBBE bodies i have work/look fine, it's just the player CBBE bodies that aren't messed up.

Sorry I'm extremely novice at bodyslide

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Take a look at this:


BSlide interface.png

The 'Preview' box will open the view on the right.  It is one where I have set the sliders to my own liking, so you will not see that exact image, but you will see what your current body is supposed to look like, you can drag/rotate/zoom the image at your command.  The 'Build' box will change the current body to match any alterations you have made to the sliders, but you must click on 'Save', or better yet, 'Save As' (and give it a name that reminds you that it is your altered preset.  The 'Batch Build' is to match outfits/armor to the body shape sliders you installed with 'Build', and 'Build Morphs' will include the abilities to change outfit shapes with differences in weight, or other mods such as pregnancy mods.  The file path just above Batch Build shows you where to find the files output from BodySlide, if you should wish to copy them to place in the body shapes for NPC mods, either solo mods, or even a pack of several mods.  Exactly where to paste them differs, depending on the file structure of the mod.

BTW, there can be UNP/BHUNP body styles in the Outfit/Body pulldown at the top of the interface, as well as outfit collections, and the 'Preset' field just underneath that lists the name for that particular preset or outfit name.

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i gotcha on that, thank you.
is there any way im able to properly fix the cbbe textures?
Would deleting my data folder and redownloading all the mods again fix it?

In the images here, this is for every playable character cbbe body.



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That looks to me like you have installed a skin mod that is not CBBE based, which skin texture mod are you using?  If it had a FOMOD for the installation, re-install it and make sure that you select the CBBE option.

You have installed caliente's ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198 ), haven't you?  That, along with ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30174 ) wiil get the 'best' HDT-SMP physics options, should you so desire.

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Yeah i have those mods installed.
I just found the issue thanks to you actually with that last one.
Sneakily i apparently accidentally installed Fair Skin Complexion for UNP alongside the CBBE version, which was causing the issue.
It's now resolved, I appreciate the help! thanks a lot!

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