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Votex problem when going offline

Go to solution Solved by Drogull420,

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Im using Vortex version 1.13.7 modding Skyrim SE. For some reason everytime I go offline Vortex no longer shows my installed pluggins I just get an infinate loading circle in the plugins section. Its still reading my plugin count and says its sorting in the history but cant see any plugins to edit their orders or rules or anything so therefore I cant even deploy if I dont know what Im deploying. I seen in some posts you can use vortex offline but may have to manually update the masterlist file sometimes but thats not working. Its like it has to be online everytime before it will read my plugins. Is there a way to avoid this to conserve banwith while still working with my modlist?  Why would you only be able to run Vortex offline is all our data being collected and stored online for some reason Im not aware of? Is there a better mod organizer out there that doesnt require you to be online to use it?

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I will try that. I noticed it isnt logging me out automatically when I disconnect my internet for some reason and if I manually log out my plugins load no problem. But what confusses me is the plugins are on my pc along with the list so why is it needing to connect to read files already on my pc while Im logged in online? Is it searching for updates or something even though Im not clicking the update mods button? Maybe something they change in the future like an auto log out or something to block it from trying to connect when there is no connection.

Edited by Drogull420
spelling correction
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