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7 Days To Die

help request x2


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I have two items i need help with for my mod:

(1) i have a custom armor set which is essentially a modified version of two pieces of the assassins and 2 of the rogues, i need to add them to progression.xml and, to be honest, that's one XML I dont understand in the slightest. Anyone want to create that using a generic term for each armor piece (helm, outfit, gloves, and boots), i can sub in my gear names and run with it... i do want my tier's altered, but that's not required at this time

(2) i need a customized XUI, i think it's called so when my 'collector' is filling up it doesnt open and show 'dew collector' with slots for those tools; i was not able to discern how XUI works

any help would be appreciated and, i am still hoping to find a way to make a specific workbench

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