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Body Slide body type batching issues.


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Hi, I have looked around, and a) I know this is a problem some people have... b) I have not found a definitive answer in any of the blogs, videos, or on the BS/OS mod page. 


When I try to rebuild some clothing, which has BS files, to suit MY body replacer, I find that it does not work IN GAME even though it SAYS it has worked in BS/OS. 


I first go to CBBE bodies as my category, then with menu beneath choose CBBE Slim, since that is the one I installed via FOMOD when installing CBBE, then build... and get told my CBBE bodies have successfully been changed. 


Then I clear the categories, chose a clothing category, then batch build to CBBE Slim (clothed) and am told it has worked....         


..... but it only works for SOME clothing. 


Seems to have worked for all the CBBE clothing and seemingly armour/wearables that came with CBBE for the vanilla game... for example.... but then for others, it does not work. 


Most noticeably for heavily mesh dependent clothing mods, like the popular packs by Vtaw, and there's a few others. 


More, if I then go and manually mess with sliders....  taking down all the ones I do not want.... which make the chubby base CBBE what it is, and taking up the ones I want, like smaller boobs, thinner thighs, more narrow hips, rounder, but smaller butt etc etc... until I have something pretty much identical to slim look of my replacer....  it shows me in real time in the preview window this is working... and then when I build it, it says it worked......


....but even then, in game, NOPE, nothing, it does NOT work. 


The really crazy is thing is OCCASIONALLY, it seems SOMETIMES, SOME of the ones which DO NOT work, DO.... but only for the next immediate item of that kind I make in world.The next time I make the item, the rescale is gone. This happens especially with the actual bodies. That is to say, I will manually modify the body, or the clothing containing the body shape, specially paying attention in preview to the body, and it seems to work... but JUST ONCE. 


Other times I manually adjust every piece in an mod outfit.... and am told it worked... the preview shoed it work....... but when I make the outfit IN GAME, at least ONE piece, often the body, has NOT worked.... and there are wide hips, thighs, butts and boobs clipping out all over the place. 


This only happens with SOME outfits....  and there are some which seem to have a lot of object meshes too, which work fine, if I do not batch resize them, I manually edit them, and it all seems to work, they stay done, and all is well. 


So really looking for some help in FORCING the resizing for such ornery pieces as seem to be in some mods, to TAKE and STAY so I can actually USE the mods. Any experts which have some tips that want to share, please DO.



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Sounds like something is missing.  Maybe the meshes go to a wrong location or the checkbox in front of the output path isn't checked. And for ingame morphing "Build Morphs" should be enabled. Could you post a screenshot of your Bodyslide window with preview the moment before you hit on "Build"?

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18 hours ago, subaverage said:

Sounds like something is missing.  Maybe the meshes go to a wrong location or the checkbox in front of the output path isn't checked. And for ingame morphing "Build Morphs" should be enabled. Could you post a screenshot of your Bodyslide window with preview the moment before you hit on "Build"?



Do these show what you want to see? 






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Also... this shows the difference between previews for CBBE Chubby, and CBBE Petite, for the same Outfit.. so BS is DEFINITELY making the changes..... they just do not take in game. 



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Yes, this is what I wanted. The output mesh path and "Build Morphs" are enabled and hitting on "Build" should change the shape of the outfit in game. Body and outfit should have the same shape to work as intended. But I see that the textures of the outfit are missing. So maybe something went wrong with the installation of Vtaw Wardrobe 8. Except you did something to hide the texture, because nudity wouldn't be allowed here. Vtaw often uses separate files for the main mod, additional materials and the Bodyslide conversion. You wrote that the outfits coming with CBBE are working. So I would assume that the installation of the Vtaw outfits is missing something and the problem does not lie within Bodyslide itself.

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I thought that too... but here is the preview of the Western Duster from the Nuka World DLC. 


It too is missing  textures in the preview. But it happily conforms to CBBE Slim body I chose during CBBE installation, and when I changed my bodies in BS/OS, to CBBE Petite, it seemed to conform when I converted it too. 


I have all of the Vtaw Texture packs for all the packs I have installed. I have : the main pack, with the meshes and base colour, the Body Slide files, and the additional texture packs. I thought maybe my installer NMM, did not do them properly, but ALL texture options for them work in game. 


Yet if I change those outfits and ... lemme think....maybe the CROSS outfirts.... I'll have to double check.... outfit mods I HAVE the BS files for.....they DO NOT seem to change. 


I can do it manually too.... take up the sliders to trim down waists, round out, but shrink down butts, pert-ify and perk up, but reduce boobs, trim down thighs and narrow shoulders..... and in the preview, I will see the changes happening in real time.... then I build... then IN GAME... nada. 


So I do not think it is a texture issue, and if everything is showing up in game, and all the extra reclours are working, I am not sure it is file pathing, so I am at a complete loss, but thank you so much for the help and replying, anyway. 


I might just have to accept defeat and write off those mods as shonky. 




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First of all I can assure you that the mods are working. I use a lot of Vtaw's mods and they all work without the slightest problems for me. And as long as you don't see the textures there is something wrong with the installation. Do you get the success message after you hit "Build"? As a test you could try to rename the mesh (nif-file) of a piece of clothing of your choice. Let's say the "Rogue Pants" (Rogue is a mod I use myself without problems) or the "Combat Girl Boots". The paths are shown in your Bodyslide window. Then try to give the chosen piece of clothing your preset again and build. Bodyslide will now try to build the new mesh from ground up. What would happen then? Does "your" unclothed body change in game when you change it and do you see the body textures in Bodyslide? Next you could try is to manually install one of the clothing mods. I would suggest to take one with a single outfit. E.g. Vtaw Rogue. And try again. If nothing helps you could even try to uninstall and reinstall Bodyslide. NMM can handle this.

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So try to make a new project, and preset, then try to rename a piece of say the Vtaw clothing for THAT preset, and it will try to rebuild it from scratch to try make it fit the new preset made in the new project? 


OK.... I am real NOVICE with BSOS..... BUT I ki9nd of thought of THAT, and TRIED.... and I could NOT make a new project work... everything was blank... in the file menus... and I could NOT make any drop downs work, then when I manually clicked to choose... I could not find anything relevant... as in I could not select from CBBE files, or even get to where they were, or anything like that... and just could not do it. 


So if I manually DL, extract, then move say a one outfit Vtaw mod, to FO4 data... I guess that is where it goes..... then open BSOS... and it does not show, or it does not show with 100% textured mesh, showing the base default textures of the mod... then it is something..... with my BS/OS, yeah? 


YES... I ALWAYA get a SUCCESS notification after I build my batches. 


I select body.... CBBE Bodies..... then select CBBE Slim...build.... success.....  then clear... then select the clothing group... in this case Unassigned, that is where MOST is, including all the Vtaw stuff..... then select from the menu below, CBBE Slim (outfit)... build. 


Success message both times. 


As for my body inworld...right this VERY moment, this time, I am a dude yo. But in installed CBBE as a replacer, and chose Slim, and all the chicks, save a couple of custom companions with their own, still CBBE based, bodies.... seem to have that body now. 


I wont play as a female character again now, until I sort this out lol. 


When Cait can, with her CBBE based slim body, or even if I convert them all to CBBE petite, so some of HN66's skimpy clothing works on them :P....  can wear all the Vtaw stuff, and KEEP the body I use, not bulge out all  over the place... then I will know *I* can use it.. and will maybe consider playing a female character again. 


I could have sworn before, I am back in Fo6 after about two years break.... but back when... I COULD make all this stuff work. This is seems to be a NEW thing. 

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I can't promise anything, but this is what I would do: Uninstall and reinstall Bodyslide. Afterwards look for an outfit mod that is converted to Bodyslide. Perhaps stay at Vtaw Rogue, because I've seen it your pictures. If you still have it installed I would recommend to uninstall it. Then redownload. It should be complete with Bodyslide files. Unpack (the folder with the Bodyslide files is "Tools") and manualy copy all the files into your ........Fallout4\Data folder. Now start Bodyslide with any default CBBE preset and search for Vtaw Rogue under Outfit/Body. You should see the entry and the preview should show you the textures of the outfit. If so, take your own preset and try to Build with meshes path and "build morphs" enabled. Afterwards start FO4 through NMM, make sure Vtaw Rogue is activated and see whether it worked. And also make sure that mesh files are not write protected. All in all your problem hints to missing texture (has no effects on the shape. It's only a hint to an incomplete installation) and ShapeData files. Afaik when the ShapeData files are missing you won't be able to change the shape of the relating outfit. Other than that I can't think of more and from here it's difficult to judge what the problem is. The Vtaw Rogue Pants should like this:


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