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Stardew Valley

is there a way for a save file to have one farmhouse and another save file to have another farmhouse?

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I have this beautiful farmhouse mod that just came out that is absolutely stunning, but it completely broke my other two houses from my other save files. I knew this was gonna happen, but I'm still bummed because I can't keep playing in my other farms.

The only thing I can think about is disabling the mod whenever I want to play on my other files, but I was wondering if there was a way for different files to have different farm houses and I just hadn't found it. This is not urgent or anything! I'm just curious haha.

I found this mod called "multiple floor farmhouse", and it's kinda similar to what I was thinking?. Theoretically, I could just make this farmhouse mod that I like to be the second or third floor, but I can't figure out how I would go about doing that. Any input is appreciated!! Thank you for reading me!!

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