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Standalone Cyberware Request: ICE - Slow down your trace progress, or eleminate it. Varying qualities: Thudget Kit, Budget Kit, Civvy, Military Trooper, Millitech, Millitech Tricon, ARASAKA Ex-Employee, ARASAKA Bouncer, Arasaka Employee, etc.


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An request for new ICE in the game as standalone cyberware tech. Buyable from street cred, and some even unlocked from lifepaths.



NOMAD V 1 ICE - Nomad lifepath ICE, %0.02 anti trace progress benefit, %0.02 chance of trace failing. (Nomads having lived out in the outskirts never had to really worry about getting traced, so the starting benefits are abysmal)

ARASAKA CORPO V1 ICE - Corpo Lifepath (before getting fired) - %100 anti trace progress benefit (trace won't progress) - %100 chance of trace failing (Came with your counter intel job, you've been mooching off it ever since and taking it for granted.)

ARASAKA CORPO SEIZED ASSETS V 0.5 ICE (Activates upon getting fired at the end of the corpo lifepath) - %2 anti trace progress benefit, %0.05 chance of trace failing (An package given out to those who get their assets seized to fall back on, the version is depreciated and never got any updates since 2077, it was made back in 2072, and got 5 updates. Then all progress on it was stopped to make it a very cheap care package for corporate agents who got fired. Sucks to be you.)

StreetKid ThugL1fe V "V's my name" IC3 (Streetkid lifepath ICE) - %1.50 anti trace progress benefit, %0.03.5 chance of trace failing (A nice in between that isn't as powerful as those suits in those fancy a$$ iv0ry towers have, but not being as bare bones as those nomadic types, thug life made and handmade and then just b1tch slapped into the cranium at MacH 3 speed. Perfect for the heist you're planning on that caliburn model, or ambushing a poor sod.)


BUYABLE ICES (Worst to best):

Thudget Kit - An ICE kit mashed together by thugs at Maelstrom, and looks like it was made by a blindfolded preschooler given power tools and super glue, it slows traces down by %5 and has a %5 chance of making traces fail when they complete. The word comes from Thugs being on a budget.

Budget Kit - Forgot to pay your rent again? Down on your income? Got locked out? Got screwed over by your boss for that big promotion? BANDIT Corporation has you covered! With the budget ICE kit, you have an %10 slowed trace on you and a %10 chance that traces will fail on completion. Don't be a smarty, it only costs you 99 eddies!

Civvy ICE - The ICE of the middle class. %15 slowed trace progress, %15 chance for traces to fail on completion, you earn your keep as a common civvy with this ICE.

Military Trooper ICE - As an expendable trooper, not expected to last forever in a military campaign as anything can happen, this generous ICE gives you an %20 slowed trace progress, and a %20 chance for traces to fail upon completion. You get what ya can get.

Millitech ICE - Millitech ICE is some nice and expensive ICE, military grade it gives you an %25 slowed trace progress, and an %25 chance for traces to fail upon completion or your quarter thousand back.

Arasaka EX-Employee - So you got dumped by your corporation and are seeking an upgrade from the terrible seized assets ICE you were automatically slapped with upon being fired, eh? Well with a little homebrewing an a couple 30K or so in eddies, plus tax, you can look at a %30 slowed trace progress and an %30 chance traces will fail upon completion. Just remember, your ripperdoc warned you this could get ugly if you moved when it was being slotted into your noggin.

ARASAKA Bouncer - Klepped this off an ARASAKA bouncers corpse, and it's preem, decided if no one else wants it you could have it. This is given out to all the security who's job it is to patrol the OUTSIDE of those ivory ARASAKA buildings, not go inside them, yaknow, the "bouncers". It gives a %50 slowed trace progress, and %50 chance for traces to fail upon completion. A coin toss, but a coin toss that costs a premium, choom!

ARASAKA Employee - You worked hard saving up money to update your credentials and get yourself some legitimate ARASAKA employee ID through some less than legitimate means, and for all it has costed you? You now have that luxurious %75 slowed trace progress and %75 chance for a trace to fail on completion. Life is good.

ARASAKA CEO - You got the best in business, by the business. An absolutely nova %200 slowed trace progress, with any trace on you being reversed by %100 when you simply administer an otherwise traceable quickhack, and a luxurious excelsior package ensuring traces %100 without a doubt fail upon completion. Life is nova, choom... Life is nova...

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