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How do you re-enable disabled attachments on FO4Edit?


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Not sure you understand the "why" part of why they were disabled.    You need to understand that first.


Simple math.

Lets assume you want the F4NV revolver to fire 10 different ammo types.

You'd need 40 different receivers (4 receivers x 10 different ammo types - since the receiver is what is changing the ammo type) if you do it the F4NV way.


Now look how the patch does it.

1 receiver for each physical model = 4 receivers.

10 ammo attachments - 1 for each caliber to fire from it.

Total Attachments?   14 vs the 40 above.


The short of it.    He marked them disabled instead of just outright removing them.   You don't want or need those disabled attachments anymore.

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