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I have NO IDEA what this means.


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Please help? I've got this going on and my characters are also a-posing and I have no idea why. FNIS seems to be working fine. Any other modding tips are also appreciated, as I've only done this like five times and gave up half of those times.

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This is an SKSE64 error statement.  It is telling you that you have Engine Fixes installed, but it is not working properly.  Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 ) is a two-part mod, that requires the Part 2 EngineFixes.dll file to be installed (extracted) manually into the steamapps/Skyrim Special Edition folder (where Skyrim.exe is located).  For the latest two versions (1.6.11xx), you need to either manually edit the .toml file that is in the mod, or d/l and install ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069 ), which contains the modified file.  I am sure that if you have the GOG version, it still goes into the matching folder in their package.

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4 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

This is an SKSE64 error statement.  It is telling you that you have Engine Fixes installed, but it is not working properly.  Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 ) is a two-part mod, that requires the Part 2 EngineFixes.dll file to be installed (extracted) manually into the steamapps/Skyrim Special Edition folder (where Skyrim.exe is located).  For the latest two versions (1.6.11xx), you need to either manually edit the .toml file that is in the mod, or d/l and install ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069 ), which contains the modified file.  I am sure that if you have the GOG version, it still goes into the matching folder in their package.

So glad I randomly clicked on this post. 

thanks for the clear advise Leo.

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On 2/7/2025 at 6:00 AM, 7531Leonidas said:

This is an SKSE64 error statement.  It is telling you that you have Engine Fixes installed, but it is not working properly.  Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 ) is a two-part mod, that requires the Part 2 EngineFixes.dll file to be installed (extracted) manually into the steamapps/Skyrim Special Edition folder (where Skyrim.exe is located).  For the latest two versions (1.6.11xx), you need to either manually edit the .toml file that is in the mod, or d/l and install ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069 ), which contains the modified file.  I am sure that if you have the GOG version, it still goes into the matching folder in their package.

Figured that out, thanks. Can you also figure out this new issue I've got? A dll keeps crashing my game when I load a save or start a new one and I'm really stumped. Site doesn't want to upload the .txt file, so I'm just pasting the report and probable call stack.


Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF96B6E612F OStim.dll+036612F    movss [rax+0x34], xmm0 |  C:\Git\GitHub\OStimNG\skse\src\Util\Globals.cpp:27 Util::Globals::setPapyrusUndressing (mangled: ?setPapyrusUndressing@Globals@Util@@SAX_N@Z))
Exception Flags: 0x00000000
Number of Parameters: 2
Access Violation: Tried to write memory at 0x000000000034

    [ 0] 0x7FF96B6E612F    OStim.dll+036612F    movss [rax+0x34], xmm0 |  C:\Git\GitHub\OStimNG\skse\src\Util\Globals.cpp:27 Util::Globals::setPapyrusUndressing (mangled: ?setPapyrusUndressing@Globals@Util@@SAX_N@Z)
    [ 1] 0x7FF96B4465BC    OStim.dll+00C65BC    jmp 0x00007FF96B446627 |  C:\Git\GitHub\OStimNG\skse\src\Events\EventListener.h:27 Events::EventListener::eckPapyrusUndressingCallbackFunctor volatile * volatile (mangled: ??RCheckPapyrusUndressingCallbackFunctor@EventListener@Events@@EEAAXVVariable@BSScript@RE@@@Z) C:\Git\GitHub\OStimNG\skse\src\Events\EventListener.h:32 Events::EventListener::eckPapyrusUndressingCallbackFunctor volatile * volatile (mangled: ??RCheckPapyrusUndressingCallbackFunctor@EventListener@Events@@EEAAXVVariable@BSScript@RE@@@Z)
    [ 2] 0x7FF7A09CF04E SkyrimSE.exe+144F04E -> 104854+0x20E    mov esi, [rdi+0x84]
    [ 3] 0x7FF7A09CF79C SkyrimSE.exe+144F79C -> 104857+0x17C    jmp 0x00007FF7A09CF7B3
    [ 4] 0x7FF7A09C4314 SkyrimSE.exe+1444314 -> 104767+0x104    lea r8, [rbp+0x67]
    [ 5] 0x7FF79FF409E7 SkyrimSE.exe+09C09E7 -> 53926+0xEE7    test r15b, r15b
    [ 6] 0x7FF79FBC63D8 SkyrimSE.exe+06463D8 -> 36564+0x538    xorps xmm1, xmm1
    [ 7] 0x7FF9672CF4C9 hdtSMP64.dll+00BF4C9    cmp byte ptr [rbx+0x10], 0x00 |  C:\Games\Faster HDT-SMP\skse64_2_02_06\src\skse64\hdtSMP64\Hooks.cpp:314 hdt::UnkEngine::onFrame (mangled: ?onFrame@UnkEngine@hdt@@QEAAXXZ)
    [ 8] 0x7FF79FBBEAD5 SkyrimSE.exe+063EAD5 -> 36544+0x165    test bl, bl
    [ 9] 0x7FF7A0ABBB8E SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8E -> 109636+0x106    mov ebx, eax
    [10] 0x7FF9F7277374 KERNEL32.DLL+0017374
    [11] 0x7FF9F861CC91    ntdll.dll+004CC91

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When I have seen crash reports with 'mangled' portions, that means that I haven't got something properly installed, or am missing a required mod.  Maybe you are just missing something?  Or, something you installed is corrupted, and needs to be reinstalled?  I am not familiar with OStim, so can't really help there.  Did you check the SKSE logs in your ...Documents\\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder?  If you arrange them in descending 'Date Modified' order, and look at them one at a time for something that did not load properly, that may give you a hint on where to start looking.

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3 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

When I have seen crash reports with 'mangled' portions, that means that I haven't got something properly installed, or am missing a required mod.  Maybe you are just missing something?  Or, something you installed is corrupted, and needs to be reinstalled?  I am not familiar with OStim, so can't really help there.  Did you check the SKSE logs in your ...Documents\\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder?  If you arrange them in descending 'Date Modified' order, and look at them one at a time for something that did not load properly, that may give you a hint on where to start looking.

That's where I got that log from, thanks to crash logger. I have no idea how to read them is all, lmao.

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There's a person over at LL that is able to interpret those new Garbelease Crashlogger logs quite well, unlike the other 99.99% of us folk, so you might fair better over there.

Best I could see from your snippet is that something's going wrong when the undressing happens

10 hours ago, TalionJr said:

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF96B6E612F OStim.dll+036612F    movss [rax+0x34], xmm0 |  C:\Git\GitHub\OStimNG\skse\src\Util\Globals.cpp:27 Util::Globals::setPapyrusUndressing (mangled: ?setPapyrusUndressing@Globals@Util@@SAX_N@Z))

"Why" is a different matter I can't address


Wishes were horses,  someone would update Netscript Framework. It's also a bit opaque, (although less so than Crashlogger's output) but at least it offered some suggestions that normal folk could interpret with some degree of accuracy.

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6 hours ago, anjenthedog said:

There's a person over at LL that is able to interpret those new Garbelease Crashlogger logs quite well, unlike the other 99.99% of us folk, so you might fair better over there.

Best I could see from your snippet is that something's going wrong when the undressing happens

"Why" is a different matter I can't address


Wishes were horses,  someone would update Netscript Framework. It's also a bit opaque, (although less so than Crashlogger's output) but at least it offered some suggestions that normal folk could interpret with some degree of accuracy.

Modding is so painful, lol. I reinstalled the mod and that fixed it. Thanks all, though.

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