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Soi Fon Hair Cut and custom clothes and daggers. (MOD REQUEST)


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Hello modders from nexus, i don't have a clue how modding works and i don't know how hard would it be to do something like this, on this part you may call me dumb and i deserve it, i got scammed on discord by a "modder", but i don't intend to blame the community, to be honest it's entirely my fault, and i love the work you all do for the comunity, i love your mods. I don't know if i have to pay anything for you to make a mod, just have in mind that i'm from brazil and i can't pay so much! Now following with the request! 

Tbh, if i could only have Soi Fon hair i'd be really happy. I saw a mod of naruto universe and thought about asking for this: A custom dagger/fist weapon that looks like soi'fon suzumebachi would be F'ing Bonkers!!! Her clothes would be even more insane!!!! Basically i'm trying to ask for you to put soi fon in my game.

I'd like her weapon not to be game breaking, how hard would it be to make a progressive weapon that levels with you? Something like this: Scales with dex, everytime you hit with your weapon you can do an unarmed attack a kick or a punch. Lvl 1 you get "Inflict wound" as skill from weapon 1 use per combat. Action cost. Lvl 2 you get a hunter's mark as a bonus action. Lvl 3 weapon dmg boost. Lvl 4 an aditional inflict wound. Lvl 5 misty step bonus action once per combat Lvl 6 + Dmg to your inflict wound and a reaction, a counter that can roll to reduce or negate damage and lets you attack back your opponent. Lvl 7 you get her bankai so you can shoot a fireball. One use per short rest Lvl 8 a buff to your dex/str +1 or maybe a crit boost Lvl 9 you get your Shunko a buff that gives you +2 str +2 dex +2 constitution and more movement speed. Lasts 4 turns. Bonus action. One use per long rest. Lvl 10 you get a passive that reset your inflict wound use and misty step when you kill an enemy Lvl 11 You get an additional reaction to your counter, you can roll to reduce/negate dmg and can cast your inflict wound on your oponnent. Lvl 12 A shunko passive, everytime you kill an enemy shunko lasts for an additional turn or maybe reset the turns back to 4 (Dunno if this would be broken)

I intend to play this on the monk class. I'd like to play her as she does in the anime, switching between weapon hit and kicks/punches so if there's a way to make her unarmed combat scale with her dex/strenght would be cool. And please make her hold her weapon like a fist weapon that deals piercing damage, not slash or something, the way monk holds weapons is really ugly.

If you could make an weapon animation, when is sheeted, it goes into her little sword form on her back like the first image. When you unsheet goes to your hand in shikai form.

Her hair MUST HAVE the white braids, if you could make some sort of physics into her braids i would think you are simply a GOD. If not just don't make it stiff or something that looks like a icicle lol.

If you could make her clothes, would you kindly make hear outfit as 2 parts, her shinigami cloathing and her captain robe as idk like a cloak or something.

Her captain robe could give her +2 armor points and let her cast haste once you hit lvl 7 Her shinigami cloathing could give her 12 armor points. Grants you a movement boost, + proficiency to your Acrobatics or physycal performance.

At this point i don't know if is better to turn this into a monk sublcass and just make her weapon dmg scale with your level.

I don't want to play her as a stealth assassin cause i think stealthing into combat is boring. And even tho in the anime she's supossed to be an assassin she always go hand to hand like a duelist, so i'll play her as a duelist.

If you could add things that fit the soi'fon vibe from the anime, like inflict wound have a butterfly icon. Change the name of inflict wound skill to "Suzumebachi"

I don't know how to balance those things i just don't want anything that is really bullshit, i'd like her weapon to scale better than the daggers in the game, maybe scale it like it's a rapier.

Sorry for the LONG POST. And please tell me if what i'm asking is too dificcult, id settle with her hair. Thanks for reading this, sorry for asking you to do something that is really troublesome, i know modelinh these stuffs must be really hard but i thought it wouldn't harm to ask you guys for something like this. I appreciate you taking the time to read me talking about this weaboo stuff. And if you're a bleach fan and know of any mods that put bleach universe in BG3 please reccomend me :) And if you love soi'fon you're a man of culture!!!

Soi fon.jpg


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