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SOLVED: dragonborn, update, dawnguard, hearthfires, etc question


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Just installed 1.6.1170 to replace the broken 1.5.97 I haven't played since early Novemeber, and I simply can't recall.

Am I mistaken in thinking they should show up in the mods tab  and plugins tabs of vortex, or are they only present in the Plugins tab?


PS> reason I ask is that due to obtuse "advise" from both Steam and Vortex support, I ended up with the entire steamapps folder on another drive with no room to put it back on the drive it originally was on, so vortex *may or may not be reporting accurately

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10 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

The primary DLC only shows in my 'Plugins' tab on Vortex, along with the four 'free' CC mods from AE.

Thanks for the confirmation. 

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