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Christianhe - Formal Warning Issued

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Formal Warning Issued - Christianhe

Christianhe has received a formal warning for violating our community rules.


Offensive language directed at another member
Belittling another member, publicly accusing the said member of wrongdoing outside of the reporting system, provoking an angry response
Harassing the said member via the personal messenger system

07 February 2025, 8:05AM
Never mind, that's it. You'll never wake up someone pretending to be asleep. I don't have that much time to talk to a baby about right or wrong🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

07 February 2025, 8:52AM
this man: *username*There are too many loopholes in what he said, and it's just a good opportunity to show you both the positive and negative examples of what he said. Don't be led into the trap of his topic by the other party, and don't deviate from the theme. However, he is a thief himself, promoting the idea of a thief, so there's no need to say anything more. It's all okay now, everyone. You still have your own lives, don't be misled by thieves

Message 07 Feb 2025, 10:46 AM
Your behavior has been criticized by all the audience, and you're still calling me stingy. It's not a matter of being petty or not, it's a matter of whether there is morality in being a person. You don't even know what infringement means. The significance of keeping that MOD there is greater than deleting it. Hahaha

From the Forum and Commenting Guidelines
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.

Do not post with the intent of provoking an angry response or argument over a topic (“flame baiting”).

Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.

You are encouraged to report content that may violate the standards described in this document. For more information, see our Reporting Guidelines. Public accusations made outside of the reporting systems may be subject to moderation.


Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators.

Account Restrictions

As part of the warning, Christianhe has been restricted from using the following features:

Restrictions: [
This user cannot send private messages for 7 days
This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days].

Moderation History

Warning issued by zcul. This user has now received a total of 1 formal warning(s).

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