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Crashing using Alternate Start into Imperial Military

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I've done necessary quick cleans, LOOT, compatiblities/patches, nemesis runs/ticks, etc.


EDIT: The crashing seemed to have started once I tried getting TK Dodge RE, then switching to TUDM, and doing that back and forth a lot step-by-step. Then it still crashed even after it all was removed. I started them removing/disabling mods recently added and now I am just confused.

I start a new save and load into imperial military from alternate start within 10 seconds. could it be i am going too fast?

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I used a log analyzer and found that Part 1 SSE Engine Fixes might be causing crashes?
Just want to say I did change to OAR and the DLL compatibility is the shader fix, but it runs fine.




- ❗ **Critical First-Line Error Detected:** EngineFixes.dll
   - **What This Means:**
      - First-line errors often indicate a serious compatibility or installation issue
      - The file "EngineFixes.dll" is directly involved in the crash sequence
      - While this file is related to the crash, it may not be the root cause
      - This type of error often indicates missing masters, incorrect load order, or version mismatches
   - **Recommended Troubleshooting Steps:**
      - First Steps:
         - Review other sections of this report to see if a more specific first-line error shows up with its own recommended troubleshooting steps
         - As a potentially easy fix, consider disabling the mod (and any and all mods that depend upon it)
         - Carefully review the associated mod's installation instructions
         - Check if a mod update is available on Nexus
         - Verify you have installed all of the mod's dependencies, and that they are all enabled
         - Verify you have all required patches installed for compatibility with other mods you are using
      - Version Verification:
         - Confirm the mod is compatible with your Skyrim version
         - Check version requirements of other mods that interact with it
         - Verify your SKSE version matches your Skyrim version
      - Advanced Troubleshooting:
         - Check the mod author's bug reports section and/or forum
         - Google the mod and/or ask the Skyrim Modding Community to confirm the mod is generaly considered stable with your version of Skyrim and your other mods
         - Try a clean reinstall of the mod
         - Identifying Missing Masters: Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) typically displays warning icons (yellow triangle with exclamation mark) for plugins with missing masters. [View Screenshot](<https://imgur.com/izlF0GO>).
         - Use xEdit to check for missing masters or conflicts
         - Try using [LOOT](<https://loot.github.io/>) as a **diagnostic tool**. ⚠️Caution: LOOT can safely be used as a diagnostic tool or for load order suggestions, but its automatic load order reorganization is often discouraged. It's widely thought to incorrectly sort 5 to 10% of mods, which can be especially problematic with large mod lists.
   - **Additional Considerations:**
      - First-line errors are usually reproducible and not random
      - The error might be caused by a dependency rather than the named file
      - Some first-line errors can be resolved by verifying game files through Steam
- ❗ **Version Compatibility Notice:** The following DLLs are not fully compatible with your Skyrim version 1.6.1170 and many may cause crashes, although please note that, for a few mods, version detection isn't always accurate:
   - `DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll` v1.1.3: Recommend update to **Open Animation Replacer (OAR)** v2.3.6 or later. [Download here](<https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92109?tab=files>)


Result(s) from Phostwood's Skyrim Crash Log Analyzer (v1.21.4)

🔎 Automate analysis of your Skyrim SE/AE crash logs at: 


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