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SOLVED: "SSE Engine fixes for 1.6.1170 and newer" installation is not working correctly


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Skyrim Special edition v1.6.1170

These are the two source files used



1) installed part 1 per instructions. Result



2) manually deposited files from part 2 into main skyrim folder per instruction: result



3) load skyrim using SKSE_loader


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I have also attempted using the SSE Engine fixes - modified .toml File Only For SSE v1.6.1130 and v1.6.1170 Modified TOML File V6 with the same result.

that is,  once I try to boot the game using SKSE_loader, the result  is the same as in "step 3" from above.

It's oddly familiar. I recall a similar problem either back in 1.5.97 or 1.5.80. In that case, I recall that it "magically" resolved itself several months later later (at the time I just played anyway, ignoring the error. prolly not wise but whatever). This time Engine fixes is required by a few mods I need to install so that's not an option.

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Finally, removing the part two content from the skyrim folder, and uninstalling the part 1 mod, resolves the startup error, but of course it also leaves me without engine fixes.

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this is the contents of d3dx9_42.log following the error message display, and then exiting the game once it's front page pops up, in case it helps

skse64 plugin preloader - d3dx9_42
exe path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe
loaded into SkyrimSE.exe or SkyrimVR.exe, proxying SkyrimSE d3dx9_42 funcs and registering preload hook
hook triggered, loading dll plugins (meh's loader)
failed to search dll plugin directory
DLLPlugin loader finished
hook triggered, loading skse plugins
found plugin "EngineFixes" for preloading
attempting to load found plugins
attempting to load "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\EngineFixes.dll"
loaded successfully and Initialize() called
loader finished

Note: the game DOES boot up, and the last save DOES load, but I'm quite reluctant to play as is, in this state, considering that engine fixes flags an error while loading

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From a respondent in another forum on another website (thanks bondjamesbond!), the solution is uninstalling Animation Limit Crash Fix SSE - srtCrashFix AE v0.41


edit: and the reason? Had I paid a little more attention when I donwwloaded it instead of rushing headlong, from the description text

SSE Engine Fixes - the option AnimationLoadSignedCrash must be disabled in the EngineFixes.toml (EngineFixes.ini in old versions) file to make it work together with the patch.

so...that's good. Seems that I can/might-be-able-to still use it, just with that caveat. install engine fixes first, edit the toml, then install.

Edit: to be clearer, install SSE engine fixes first, set the noted value to false, then install Animation Limit Crash Fix.

Or, if you already installed Animation Limit Crash Fix, disable it (temporarily),  install SSE enginefixes, change the EngineFIxes value, then reenable Animation Limit Crash Fix.

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