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Mod requests - Show POI level on Map once POI has been revealed


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I don't know how viable this is, as I know very little about modding in general, but what I think would be very useful is to show what level a POI is on the map, once its been discovered. As in, once you walk into range and you are in the POI zone, and you see the skulls, it then shows on the map. This way you can easily find by opening the map, what level everything was at. 

If the map themselves can't be edited as they simply show blocks, then this could be done by using the current system of adding saved map markers. A Different picture per tier, such as T0 could be the tent, T1 could be log house, T2 could be brick house etc. Just have them toggled as hidden by default, so the compass doesn't get cluttered. I'm currently doing this manually, but the time it takes to map them out could be saved by a mod doing this. 

Added benefit of using the map save locations is you can toggle them on, rename them if you have completed them or whatever, and even track them to show direction and distance. 

I'm open to other ideas, I don't know what's possible with modding, but I'd find this so useful. Without it, I feel we have to rely on traders to point us at POIs of a specific level, and they don't always show close ones. They also don't quest T0 POIs, which are good to clear at very early level or if you are on permanent death. 

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