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non hostile enemies bug

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hiya guys, hope you are well.

so i'm doing a freshly modded playthrough(had an issue with my last game through, needed a fresh install). now i am running into an issue where some enemies are not hostile. I can interract with them and they do combat barks and stuff but i can't attack them, they don't attack me. it is only some enemies so far as I am only in White Orchard. (ghouls attack, the griffin can attack as well from some testing i have done but bandits and wraiths and drowners and neckers do not.)

has anyone ever run into this bug and if so do you know of any mods that cause this issue?

my mods are upto date and confirmed as running on next gen or with patches. my game version is the latest version and i have validated my files through steam.

my mod list is as follows

belt for dol blathana
mutagen tab alchemy
bia asl compatibility
improved horse controls lite
additional alchemy
additional stash locations
alcohol factory
all perks active
ard bombs
armor wolf extended
basic cooking recipes next gen
bear armor silver
bear crossbow silver
better torches next gen
better trophies rebalance
bia optional addon
black and white skellige tunic
black guards set
black unicorn katana
blue wave katana
boat races
bootstrap 0.41
buff perks all in one
cat school pendant
ciri witcher 4 sword
ciri witcher ending restored
civillian and scoiatel females
civillian and scoiatel males
clean chainmail for legendary manticore
corvo bianco collection
corvo bianco guests extended
critical slow mo redux
dandelion scarf fix
different shirts for geralt
dlc events bia
dlc events quest journal
dlc fast travel pack
dlc party in the chameleon
dlc bathhouse
dlc mirror reward
dlc names from the path
dlc roach gear
dlc stashes
dragon age gear
elven gear reward
enhanced herbalism
eredin swords
essential weapon rework
faction apperance project
firearms(next gen patched)
fix stuck quest objects
free enchanting next gen
grammar of the path
griffin school pendant
griffin armor silver
griffin covering silver
griffin mail silver
griffin weapons silver
gwent deck choice
gwent neutral buff
hos blue embers
ice breath
improved factions armors
improved nilfgaard
improved temeria
insane ciri eyes
insane shani eyes
insane triss eyes
insane yennefer eyes
item description fixed
item levels normalized
kaer morhen armory rubble
kaer morhen witcher set
killing monsters cloak
kng eredins lost amulet
kng geralt meteor
kng magic crystal
kng wisp
lamp on player boat
loot goblin maximised drops
lore freindly silver swords
dlc2 improved bia patch
main menu animation selector
manticore reward
master training
minor set bonuses
mirror reward MMCE30
more reasonable auto apply oils
more robes
multiple boats
names from the path
new hairstyles and beards
new vgx boat
night to remember quest
nilfgaardian gear reward
nilfgaardian armor audience
no cat hood
no intro no storybook
no missable mutagens
no missable trophies
novigrad armor set
old icons for unique mutagens
optional patch mask slot(eyepatches)
pirouettes next gen
progress on the path
quest tweaks all in one bia version
restore omlette
restored content monster buffs
restored content foods
reverend nathanial poker fix
runes recipe reward
sakura flower katana
satori katana
season 1 appearance
sell unwanted bolts ng
set skill points per level
sezon burz witcher gear
shared imports 0.6
shrine of verna
sins of the student
sir radzigs sword
skellige gear rewards
skellige weather system
slimmer griffin armor
smart magic lamp
snc runestones
stack your items
snc mutagens
snc bombs
snc oils
snc potions
snc witcher gear
style 2 choker
sword fx
swords of the wild hunt
swords on roach
talking animals
temerian gear reward
legend of the wests spirit
two gwent stores next gen
triss corvo bianco dress true blue
true aerondight
tw2 triss dlc
tw2 triss blue
ulfberht swords
unique mutagens overhaul
unique swords for eskel and lambert
unnerfed food regen
vanilla(e32013 dark swords)
vanilla look(yeneffer hair mod)
vernon roche detailed armor
version c(venomous silver sword recipe mod)
vessemirs dagger restored
vgx skellige boats restored
viper armor silver
viperchainmail silver
viper hook silver
viper school pendant
viper shoelaces silver
w1 knife a (knife appearance mod)
warmly dressed skellige
water wheel fixed
wiedzem cloak
wiedzem cloak hoods patch
winters blade overhaul next gen
witcher crossbows reworked
witcher knowledge no skills
witcher lore collection
witcher lore collection missing strings
wolven witcher gear
yennefers altered base outfit
zireal alt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I hope you are as well. 

That's a lot of mods. Most of them are visuals that shouldn't cause the issue you're describing. Do you have everything merged correctly in the Script Merger? Also one should check the prority order of the non-mergeable files in SM, sometimes giving a higher priority to one mod instantly solves a problem when you start the game again. Check the Merger once more, the priority order is very important.

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