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Need help with skse mod glitching


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I have a glitch  with no info to what it is or how to fix, I have tried to remove mods and when I log back in to nexis they all start to download ? i have done this several times looking for all files to delete. the game wont play, its says files not compatable, whitch ones? how do i fix this, I am very stressed that I just dont understand the tec stuff. please help me sort this out i have played this game since it came out. 

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1) do not simply "delete" anything. Mods need to be uninstalled to "delete" stuff, or disabled for a debug/etc.  (in general)

2) which version of Skyrim SE? 

3) there is an eyeball icon located (left of) next to the smiley face in the editor controls which is the spoiler tag.

Please copy paste your Skyrim SE load order into a spoiler tag so people can get an idea of which mods you're using. ideally a full modlist if you have one, but the load order is at least a partial list, so no worries (yet) if you don't have a full mod list available.

the Load order can be found in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Skyrim (loadorder.txt)

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12 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

There is also a Nexus .wiki for SKSE compatibility ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).  It also shows some alternatives for obsolete/obsolescent mods.

very useful in fact. stumbled onto it a few days before I started my installation. doesn't cover every single mod out there but it covers all the most important ones and a lot of less important ones too

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