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Get SOUL BACK FROM SITHIS! like nocturnal mods


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So there are mods that let you get your soul back from nocturnal or say no to nocturnal if you do the theives guild quest line.  Would be fun if someone made a similar mod to get your soul back from sithis or say no to sithis if you do the dark brotherhood quest line.

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I’m not currently working on this myself, but I do think it’s a great idea and would love to see modders step up to make it happen. There are already mods that let you reclaim your soul from Nocturnal, so having a similar option for Sithis and the Dark Brotherhood would be a natural expansion.

That said, the Dark Brotherhood questline has been modded before, but many of those attempts have been janky or incomplete. A well-executed version that allows the player to reject Sithis or reclaim their soul could add a lot of depth to the game. If anyone is up for the challenge, I’d love to see where it goes!

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