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What Animation is the Root of the Position of the Top of the Body Please?

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Does anybody know what animation is responsible for the position of the arms in 3rd person idle states with pistol weapons? I have a custom animation and weapon and I want to alter the arms to fit that to my needs. I've very kindly received some help from DiodeLadder about the WPNAssemblyPose.hkx controlling the finger positions, but it does nothing for the wrist, elbows, shoulders (arm bones in general).

Any time I try to move other bones, in the arms, chest or spine in my animation, it makes the skeleton bend off in weird and annoying directions, especially when turning on the spot (TurnInPlace) and looking up to the sky and down to the floor with the mouse movement. 

Not many people seem to work on this kind of change, but for me it is important, and I've done google searches like a mad man, and come up with zilch. Any help you can give me as to what affects what would be most useful. My thanks in advance. 

Edited by fraxanofnexus
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