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Modding noob in need of help!


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I have largely followed what has been said on the Nexus pages for all of the mods, and the information others have provided in the posts section when not. I am however very confused as I have read that I need a mod_order.txt file to make a load order as opposed to it being in alphabetical order, but then that list acts as a "whitelist" meaning all other mods won't load?


Here is a full list of all of the mods in my mods folder:

A sorted inventory, Better archery, Blood mod alpha, bushes collision remover, 30 FPS cutscene fix, Deep water horse, Early bird NPC rescheduler, Easy assassination, Easy to see herbs, Enhanced eyes, Enhanced hair textures, Instant herb picking, Lartigue's upscale project, No drunk sharpen, No stolen tag, Perkaholic, Richer merchants 5k, Sectoral lockpicking no symbols, Solid helmet visors, Stay clean longer PTF, Treasure maps of Bohemia, Clean items in bathhouse, Clean items in trough.

However, I also installed:

- Enable shadows on all lights - This was on overwrite of stuff in the Data file and a steam launch option.


- Better rain mod - That was a replacement of the pak.cfg file in the directory folder.

- More responsive targeting - That was an autoexec.cfg file in the directory with the pak file contents pasted in.

- Ambient occlusion fix - That was an user.cfg file with a steam launch option, for this I read I could also just use the autoexec.cfg file but I am not confident in using these files and am unsure how to format it correctly, I read you can't have more than one autoexec.cfg files, but I don't know how to format the command prompts within the cfg file, does there need to be a line break, etc? And with the steam launch options I now had two: "+r_ShadowCastingLightsMaxCount=40 +exec user.cfg" I have no idea if this is right either, I think the space is all I need between them?


- Ultra Ultra graphics mod - This one the instructions were to use a autoexec.cfg file so I had to do what I feared I'd get wrong with the ambient occlusion mod. As a result my autoexec.cfg file now looks like this:

"wh_cs_playermaxopponentdistancetolock = 8

wh_cs_playermaxopponentdistancetounlock = 8

wh_cs_playerunlocktimeout = 0

wh_cs_playerverticalunlockdelay = 0

wh_cs_playerhorizontalunlockdelay = 0

wh_cs_playerlockopponentanglebias = 2

wh_cs_playermaxopponentangletolock = 0.8

wh_cs_playermaxopponentangletounlock = 0.8

wh_cs_playerinputcombatunlockdelay = 0

wh_cs_playerinputcursorunlockdistance = 0.05

wh_cs_playerinputlockingtolerance = 20

wh_cs_playerinputlockareawidth = 0.6

wh_cs_playerinputmouseunlockxthreshold = 60

wh_cs_playerinputmouseunlockmintime = 0

wh_cs_playerinputmouseunlockreturntime = 1.5

wh_cs_playerinputmouseunlockminoppangle = 20


sys_spec = 7


r_AntialiasingMode = 3

e_svoTI_ResScaleBase = 0

e_ParticlesLod = 1.5

e_MergedMeshesLodRatio = 30

e_MergedMeshesViewDistRatio = 200

e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist = 64

e_MergedMeshesPool = 32768

e_UberlodDistanceRatio = 5

e_ViewDistRatioLights = 160

e_ViewDistRatioPortals = 1200

e_ViewDistRatio = 250

e_LodRatio = 120

e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 250

e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 200

e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 20

e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioLights = 10

wh_cc_LodForItemStreamOutBase = 40

wh_cc_LodForAttachmentStreamOut = 12"

Do I need the line breaks between the two sets of commands?

- More functions for right mouse button - For this in the posts it said to paste the pak file into the Data\_fastload folder as it was no longer working in the mods folder.

SO... after all that, should I do a mod_order.txt file? If so will the other mods work? Have I formatted the other mods right? And finally, what the hell should be my load order? So used to using vortex or something like that, working off of someone else's load order. I am completely clueless. If a kind stranger could help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

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