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Scripts not executing in Fallout 4? Creation Kit troubles?

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I'm making a mod for my university course, and I've had some slight experience with the Bethesda Creation Kit for F4 before, however I am absolutely stumped. None of my scripts seem to execute at all, and I'm wondering if I'm not referencing them or properly calling them or what the issue actually is. I'm trying to create a extremely simple fetch quest, and have been following a tutorial posted by YouTuber Seddon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW4TvzKjPV4&ab_channel=Seddon4494). I've also created a second quest to test to make sure I wasn't loosing my mind, which should just start up on launch and then display the objective (which is just saying it worked, but it doesn't), have removed any mods aside from the one I'm currently working on (before I had a mod to skip the prologue but even after just removing it it still doesn't work), etc etc, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why they're not being called. Verified files for both the creation kit and F4. Is there anything that I might need to do or enable that hasn't been highlighted anywhere else? This does not seem to be a common issue at all from the research I've done. If anyone is willing to help if they've had similar experience it'd be really useful. The only lead I've had so far is enabling something called loose files, but I'm not sure if that would fix anything or what that entails (Bethesda's Creation Kit site is down last I checked as of posting this).


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I would like to say that this issue has been resolved, and I've added a step by step for anyone else who might need help. The solution is quite simple so no major changes should be needed.


Go to Documents\My Games\Fallout4, you should see a Fallout 4 Custom ini (It might also say configuration settings on the side if you're dumb and don't normally do this stuff like me), you'll open it and see 

iLocation X=0
iLocation Y=0

If you don't have one, you can create one by calling it Fallout4Custom in a notepad and making it an ini (I will link another Nexus forum specifically related to this issue)

You need to add a few lines



There is not meant to be anything for sResourceDataDirsFinal so that can stay blank

I am not sure as to why this is necessary, but it means that my scripts now execute perfectly now and I can continue working on my mod! I hope this helps anyone else in the future who also struggles like I did

Forum post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/7214896-i-have-no-fallout4customini-to-edit/


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