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Need help with crash log referencing Occlusion.esp and dwemerfairy.esl, as well as some esps for Vilja.

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Here is my loadorderlibrary. I tried disabling dyndolod's plugins (including occulsion.esp of course) but no dice. I doubt it could really be dwemerfairy. What I do is enter "coc whiterun" then end up on the whiterun lux via bridge. This is just where I go test things.

Then I walk down the path to enter Whiterun and I crash. Here is the crash log provided by crash logger.

modlist.txt plugins.txt Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini

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Looks like your crash is related to Lux Via and Whiterun mods. Check for conflicts between Lux Via, Whiterun City Overhauls, and Open Cities if you have them. Also, try disabling DwemerFairy just in case—it might be affecting something unexpectedly. Your crash log suggests a lighting or navmesh issue, so testing without Lux Via could help narrow it down. Also, make sure DynDOLOD and Occlusion were fully generated for your current mod list before disabling them.

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22 minutes ago, printerdriver said:

Looks like your crash is related to Lux Via and Whiterun mods. Check for conflicts between Lux Via, Whiterun City Overhauls, and Open Cities if you have them. Also, try disabling DwemerFairy just in case—it might be affecting something unexpectedly. Your crash log suggests a lighting or navmesh issue, so testing without Lux Via could help narrow it down. Also, make sure DynDOLOD and Occlusion were fully generated for your current mod list before disabling them.

Hey, thanks for helping! I'll try disabling fairy. You're right it could be unexpected. Not a huge deal if I have to remove it.


I have updated and changed some things. Most noticeably changing my embers xd patch and changing some things parallaxgen is overwriting. It's entirely possible I need the "right" version of an existing patch. 

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Oh... it looks like it *was* dwemer fairy. That's so strange... it's been in my load order for years with absolutely no issues before now. I should not have changed anything relating to that mod. I'll find out what happened. Maybe it's a load order thing? It was a .esl and not an espfe.

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