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SOLVED: edit NPC with racemenu in skyrim SE 1.6.1170?


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In 1.5.97. I had installed something that allowed me to edit an NPC via Racemenu.

The head was not editable, but pretty much everything else was. And presets could be loaded or saved.

I've spent all night trying to figure out why it's not working in 1.6.1170. Even widenet searches are coming up dead.

I tried both "The Manipulator" and  "Standalone EFF Cosmetic Menu" The first one uses a player assigned hotkey. Didn't work. The "Standalone EFF" one uses a shout. Didn't work.

Edit: Also tried Proteus's NPC cosmetic trigger to enter racemenu. No response.

So either something is being blocked, or something... ie, A plugin hasn't been installed, or a setting  set correctly.

What the heck am I doing wrong? Is there something I need to install atop Racemenu AE 4.19.16 that bridges the gap? I'm stymied...

This is the console message when triggering Racemenu on an NPC


the stuff before it is just the coincidental tail end of the game onload events, and embry was the closed NPC at the time. I tried it on a known 3BA NPC (with generated tri files) and it still didn't open the applet.

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Ok... tracked it down a bit closer, to an issue with UIExtensions (edit using fallrim tools "resaver")


Which led me to a reddit post (edit: via widenet search on "Kinggath canary error"), by user @Catfaerie that said :


I found the nexus page for the Fallout version of the Canary save file monitor. If you read the comments on the forum it says that if this file is triggered, you should roll back to an earlier save. My guess is that the same is true for you. 

Issue resolved

Thanks @CatFaerie If that's the same person, and if not, thanks @catfaerie, whoever you are... (edit: I'd still be pulling my hair out and be dead in the water on my game reinstallation if not for your post).


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