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Nexus Mod Manager error: "Could not initialize Fallout: New Vegas Game Mode."


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After trying to run the game through the mod manager I kept getting an error complaining that steam does not have access to the game. I then changed the directory of Fallout nv to my root steam install in my  (C:) drive. After doing this I now receive the error specified in the title. 


I have verified integrity of game files

The game runs as fine as it can (crashing is normal) without the manager

I made sure that the mod manager updated its path to new vegas after changing its location. 


Not really sure what could be causing this, any ideas? 

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If anyone else has a similar issue here is the fix i found. Locate your .config files for nexus in the following directory:

C:/Usrs/[your user name]/AppData/Local/Black_Tree_Gaming/NexusClient.exe

There were some errors in the custom load method in my config file. I reverted my config to a previous version that worked in the past, and this solved my issue. 

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