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BepInEx 5.4.2202 Breaks Console


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After a couple of years away from the game I thought I'd knock the dust off. Unfortunately, I've ran into the following problem. Researching online reveals multiple posts over the past several months with this complaint, but no resolution.


Newly generated world or previously generated world.

Vanilla game (no BepInEx items in ...common/Valheim root folder) via Steam starts fine and console commands work.

Any modded game via r2modman or Thunderstore or manual with only Bepinex 5.4.2202 (Valheim fork) installed, console commands don't work.

Any modded game with only BepInEx and/or JVL and/or BepInEx Configuration Manager installed, console commands don't work.

Any modded game with only BepInEx and/or Server_devcommands installed, console commands don't work.

Error generated:


[Error : Unity Log] TypeLoadException: Failure has occurred while loading a type.

Stack trace:

(wrapper dynamic-method) Terminal.DMD<Terminal::InputText>(Terminal)

Terminal.SendInput () (at <889b2bc1e1224b249a4784da9ef107e2>:0)

UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <be2cce08ca774b9684099a81093ecac0>:0)

UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[T0].Invoke (T0 arg0) (at <be2cce08ca774b9684099a81093ecac0>:0)

GUIFramework.GuiInputField.onInputSubmit (System.String text) (at <42b715d4f7074688ae4aa40cd55c7e50>:0)

UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`1[T1].Invoke (T1 args0) (at <be2cce08ca774b9684099a81093ecac0>:0)

UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[T0].Invoke (T0 arg0) (at <be2cce08ca774b9684099a81093ecac0>:0)

TMPro.TMP_InputField.SendOnSubmit () (at <02877122efc04a3daec2c884ec70309e>:0)

TMPro.TMP_InputField.OnUpdateSelected (UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <02877122efc04a3daec2c884ec70309e>:0)

UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IUpdateSelectedHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <727fd5405ffb4795abf6c3e1107e7369>:0)

UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <727fd5405ffb4795abf6c3e1107e7369>:0)


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