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can anyone help with the false save corruption and dialogue bug?


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as the title states im having issues with the false save corruption and the dialogue bug, ive tried doing research and trying different fixes but im still having the issue even trying Engine Fixes and all of the guides like this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069?tab=description&BH=2 but it doesnt work at all heres my load order if that helps at all https://pastebin.com/4Gae21S8 before anyone says it yes i know my load order is probably terrible and poorly optimized, it runs perfectly for me save for a few issues

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3 hours ago, Hietanen said:

This is fixed in this post, read it:


If it does not work, it only means you did not install it correctly. You need both parts of Engine Fixes for it to work, and install it correctly.

ive tried that before and it didnt work, i can try reinstalling both parts but i could have swore i installed both correctly as i installed part 1 via Vortex and part 2 manually as it says, i can try reinstalling the mod though

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It does work and you need the mod. Provided it does not work, you may have installed it wrong.

What you can do as well is to show a screenshot of the installed part 2 files and that they are present in the right place, then I can confirm you did it right.

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4 hours ago, Hietanen said:

It does work and you need the mod. Provided it does not work, you may have installed it wrong.

What you can do as well is to show a screenshot of the installed part 2 files and that they are present in the right place, then I can confirm you did it right.

yea havnt done a lengthy play session yet as ive been in the mood for other stuff or have been doing smaller sessions to install or test mods but so far i think it works now, i think i did install it the wrong way partly as it was a bit messy when i installed it the first time, and i believe it mightav been Part 1 that was installed incorrectly but i reinstalled both parts, had slight issue with a mod though but thats cause i had to disable a setting for compatibility but so far so good, thank you for your help

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