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Archive invalidation not working (MO2, Oblivion)


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I tried installing Slof Based Khajiit TLC, which is a texture mod, and it didn't work. I then tried another random small, easy-to-check texture mod like Daedric Statues Improved, and that didn't work either.

The only reason I can think of is that Archive Invalidation isn't working.

I have Automatic Archive Invalidation checked in Profile settings, I tried checking and unchecking it and restarting MO2, there is an Oblivion - Invalidation.bsa in my Archives list and in my Oblivion\Data folder.

I tried manually adding ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa to the Data folder, and it got recognized by MO2, but neither texture mod worked.

I'm using the Steam version of Oblivion, other mods on my list are
all Unofficial Patches (main game, DLC, Shivering Isles)
xOBSE (installed manually)
Oblivion Reloaded
Blue's Engine Fixes
Oblivion Display Tweaks
Engine Bug Fixes (installed manually)
Faster Sleep Wait
Mercantile Experience Fix

I tried disabling Oblivion Reloaded, I tried disabling all mods but the Khajiit texture mod, it just won't work.

Any help appreciated. I'm willing to install the mod manually as a last resort, but I'd need help with that too.


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