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Would very much appreciate some clarification with NGIO extended grass.


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Hi everyone! I just found out I accidentally set my min grass size to be way lower than it was supposed to be (40 instead of 60) which explained why things look a bit off. Therefore, I am gonna go ahead and regenerate it.

However, before I do, I am confused on this one thing. I have extend-grass-count set to true, but I am wondering how much this kills performance? Even with grass LOD from dyndolod 3 there seems to be some stutters when loading in the grass. Is grass lod from dyndolod supposed to replace this setting?

Or is whether or not its set to true or false irrelevant if dyndolod-grass-mode is set to 1?

I'm just trying to make sure I don't waste any performance on grass I can't see, but I also prefer to see as little grass just fading in as possible. 25% grass lod does this well enough (though I am thinking of reducing it to 15%) but I just want to make sure I know 100% what I am changing.

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