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LotD, random CTD, error: unhandled exception “exception_access_violation”


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Hello everybody,


I keep having random CTDs in both the Hall of Wonders and Hall of Heroes (Legacy of the Dragonborn by DarkLadyLexy). I ran both logs through the Skyrim Crash Detector and Phostwood's Skyrim Crash Log Analyzer.


The former says it’s “Unable to identify a clear cause for the crash”, but lists DBM_SkyrimSewers_Patch.esp in one log and DBM_CC_Fish_CuriosAddon.esp in the other as potential culprits, and then says “Unable to identify more information from this crash log.”


The latter says “No highest-confidence crash indicators detected”, but mentions “usvfs_x64.dll (User Space Virtual File System - MO2 - possible indicator of antivirus issue” (which tells me nothing tbh).


According to LOOT, everything seems to be in order. All plugins are up to date as well. I followed Lexy’s guide, since this is my first time using mods. I’m 68+ hrs into the game and haven’t had any other issues so far.


Thx in advance!





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I think I've found a quasi solution. I went back to using the previous version of the LotD patches, and so far, I've only had one crash (also related to one of the patches). I've added both the log from the previous crash as well as the latest.


(Also, sorry for my late replies.)

crash-2025-02-27-12-46-34.log crash-2025-03-04-12-51-26.log

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