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SSELODGen error!


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I am playing GOG version 1.6.1179 and just ran SSELODGen after getting all the arguments right so that it would run on that version of SSE AE.

It ran but I got the error message "Too many plugins selected.Adding 454 files would exceed the maximum index of 252."

I did not think that that mod counted esl files as active files. I only have 112 active files the rest are all esl, mainly LOTD, LOTD TCC and YOT patches.

Is there some way I can fix this so SSELODGen will run?

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13 February 2023, 2:14PM
This has been asked and answered lots of times already. The answer can be found quickly and easily by searching this forum thread:

Use a recent version of SSEEDit, xLODGen terrain LOD beta https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/13451-xlodgen-terrain-lod-beta-94-for-fnv-fo3-fo4-fo4vr-tes5-sse-tes5vr-enderal-enderalse,
or DynDOLOD. Use a modding guide.

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