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Too many mods?


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Vortex version:  1.13.7

Skyrim SE (PC) version:  1.6.1170.0.8

Steam platform


Hello, I'm an older gentleman very new to mods. I played Skyrim when released originally on Xbox 360. 

I've had Steam for a few years, but just discovered the updated Skyrim. Then I discovered mods, and got crazy!

I don't understand computer stuff beyond point and click. So when I discovered Nexxus, I got mod happy. I've downloaded 242 mods. I try to start my game from Vortex and I don't get past the title screen before it crashes. 

I'm assuming I tried too many but I don't know.  It was done gradually...started with creation club content through the start menu, then discovered Nexxus. I downloaded a bunch and was able to load but with about 20 error messages I didn't understand. I noticed most of my issues related to Ostim and its related mods. I uninstalled every single mod and started over. I did not install any of the Ostim mods, except the different "O" mods that didn't require Ostim.

I reinstalled mods pretty much by category starting with SKSE64. After each install, if there were conflicts or missing masters, I resolved those before installing the next mod. At the end, there were 3 masters issues I couldn't resolved, so I deactivated them. My screen showed no conflicts so I deployed all. I attempted to start my game through the SKSE icon. I can't get beyond the title screen. I tried starting with the game icon in the corner with same result. Lastly, I tried starting through Steam with the same result. 

So, I have 159 mods enabled. My Votrex mods list shows no conflicts or masters errors. Do I have too many mods, and if so, how do I know which ones to disable and remove? Thanks so much.

Jesse Whalen

(Nexxus username jmwhalen1000 or [email protected]

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