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Robotics Expert perk bug: hacked robot with manual control will follow you and respawn in different locations.


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I hacked the robot at the Four Leaf Fishpacking plant, took it under manual control and the ghouls killed it. Now it appears in different places on the map and follows me. Is there a way to get rid of it!?
I know that many people like this feature, but I don't need it: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/plwgbk/did_yall_know_you_could_hack_friendly_robots_and/
I play without mods (v1. Yes, I know that there is a mod-patch, but still, who tried to understand the logic!?
Self-destruction of the robot, as well as its killing by me or opponents do not help! 😞 Hacking another robot also doesn't help.

Now I'm back at the plant, the cell was recently updated. But there's no robot there: 


I want to do a test soon: return the robot to the factory manually. Maybe that will help.

Edited by susamuza
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