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Like a glove! Outfit must match body type?


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Ever find it weird how your 5'4'' female Bosmer stealth archer can loot a piece of armor from a towering Nord warrior and it shrinks into the correct size like the One Ring and even comes with an added bonus of boob space? Me too!

I am always looking for the maxxximum immersion and the gameplay to stay exciting and fresh to the end, but I've always felt that the early stage armors like iron and steel, though among the most common to find as loot and on enemies, are the most underutilized by the player. They become more of a style choice rather than a necessity. I also feel like the progression to godmode is prolonged when you can't get a set of dwemer or orcish armor before level 10.

Though you can get a lot of immersion with mods in 2025, this is the only thing I still find myself having to roleplay, that is withholding from looting any piece of armor/clothing that would not make sense to fit on my character's proportions/frame, and usually only acquiring armor through crafting, as the blacksmith will create a "custom" fitted piece for my character.

If such a thing was a proper modification, it could provide many more added features (in the MCM, maybe). For example, the player could loot any piece of armor, but if it was not the right size then a debuff would be added. Vice versa, if the slain foe was exactly (or close) to the player's size, be that height, weight or both, then a buff would be added. But the best solution would always be to have it custom made by a skilled blacksmith!

I am positive since a mod like this has not already been made that it is a game engine/scripting, etc. limitation, as I cannot be the first person to think of a mod like this. I would instantly try to create this for my own game, but as I am restricted of time to learn modding properly, this is my plea to get someone skilled in the craft to do it for me 🙂


PS. Equipment restrictions is an amazing mod and a staple in my load order. It comes close to my vision, but ultimately it aims to enhance a different aspect

Edited by Sane17x
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