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Archery aiming error


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This is a first for me, but I can't aim my bow. When I equip a bow, the reticle is facing the target at 12 o'clock, but the bow itself is facing 10 o'clock. I had to run away from my first dragon! I have no clue how to fix this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Skyrim SE (V: 1.6.1170), Steam

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I think that this has occurred with certain mods that add weapons and/or attack animations.  I can't find the specifics on this forum now, try searching for "bow aiming problems", or something similar.

I think that the animations also included special turning moves or other animations.  Sorry I can't be of more help right now.

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It might be as simple as unequipping, jumping, and then reequipping.

Sometimes the bow gets bonked by something in the jump animation and it skews the bow from it's proper placement/alignment (not just visually, it skews aim). 

If it's a definite at-all-times skew of the bow, then do a widenet (browser) search on "skyrim archery bow  arrow aim". Better yet, use "skyrim special edition archery bow arrow aim", since there might be an SE specific patch or solution.

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