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CTD when exiting interior


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I'm getting a constant CTD when exiting the armorer in Whiterun please help i'm trapped! I will be forever indebted! I tried uninstalling a bunch of the mods I added right before this behavior but I didn't seem to help.

I'm using MO2, LOOT, GOG Skyrim.


here is crashlog: https://pastebin.com/s0EK9mN6


Also, since day one ( i only started modding a few days ago) I've been getting an error with Racemenu and GOG Skyrim. It was one of the first 5 mods I installed and it's always given me a "skee64.dll" error, not sure what I could have done wrong.


Also, when I uncheck an installed mod in MO2, is that the same as uninstalling it effectively (at least as far as game function and errors? Also why when I uninstalled some mods I get notifications that those mods are gone after I load game? 


Sorry for so many questions, any help is greatly appreciated! I need a Modfather to adopt me since apparently I'm clueless 😄. LMK if there's anything else you need from me.

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