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Any guides for creating machinima in Skyrim?

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Hello all 

I am attempting to create machinima videos in Skyrim AE and am having some difficulties.  I've installed Directors Tools as well as the SexLab Framework and OAR.  I am able to get the DT menus to work correctly.  I am using Nemesis to load my animation packs into the game.  I've registered all of the sex lab animations through the animation loader.    I am having two major problems, however. 


1  I cannot figure out how to get any of the animations to trigger.  I am using the command console and the sae command to try and trigger them but nothing happens.  

I am, however, able to get the expressions editor menu to change my characters facial expression, so I know that this works. 

Also, I don't see the sex lab options in the magic menu, so that seems to be a warning flag.  


2.  I cannot figure out how to integrate SL animations into the Directors Tools menu.  


I've tried multiple things, including complete reinstllations of skyrim and my mods as well as rebuilding the animation registry.   

I have absolutely no idea about what to do next.  I could really use a good tutorial video or document to help me out here. 


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