QwQ02 Posted March 1 Share Posted March 1 I have a file from a mod I cannot find the page of. No amount of anything I will say can express how much I want this mod ported, but also, I recall neither the author, nor their views on porting the mod, so were this ported, depending on what you might possibly (not) find of the author, for it to be ported for me, if may have to be sent to me via email, or some other method. NOT GOFILE, I HAVE ONLY SEEN THINGS INDICATING THAT HAS BECOME A VIRUS SITE, AND I'VE YET TO SEE ANYTHING TRUSTWORTHY CLAIM OTHERWISE, SO NOT THAT, NEVER THAT. Please contact me if you're willing to port it for me, anyone who asks, or have something else related to add to the conversation. Okay, so I can't even put the file through here; The file is too big for that. I guess just contact me if the prior stuff applies regarding the mod from what you can gleam of the picture shown. It's a gynomorphic Raimi Venom mod, and the gynomorphic part is done tastefully. It is accurate to the question of "What if Eddie Brock in Spider-Man 3 was gynomorphic", and not "wHaT iF wE oVeRsExUaLiZe WoMeN As BeInG sEx ObJeCtS aNd NoThInG mOrE aNd CoNtRiBuTe To SA", which is pretty f==king rare, and infinitely more refreshing than the literal&metaphorical piles of offal wanting and/or fighting for that are capable of understanding. Actually, I guess anyone is capable of understanding. ASSUMING THEY'RE PUT THROUGH ANYTHING COMPARABLE OR WORSE OF WHAT I GO THROUGH AND HAVE WENT THROUGH FIRST IN THE SAME OR A COMPARIBLE CATEGORY. But those either can't know, or refuse information allowing them to show it. Irregardless, they're in the same boat from the perspective of everyone like me due to their actions and inactions. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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